Talking About Kids
Talking About Kids is a weekly podcast for parents, educators, and direct service providers that explores the latest information on issues impacting children and adolescents, from preventing bullying to unlocking creativity. Hosted by R. Bradley Snyder, author of The 5 Simple Truths of Raising Kids, each episode presents a new topic and introduces listeners to authors, academics, and visionaries from around the globe.
160 episodes
How a developmental-relational approach benefits all kids with Debra Pepler
The impact of Debra Pepler’s scholarship and work on the positive development of kids is global. You do not have to take my word for it. You can ask the Canadian Psychological Association, who bestowed on her the Donald O. Hebb Award for ...
Season 4
Episode 22

How to protect kids from gendered-racial stereotypes in the classroom with Sheretta Butler-Barnes
For the final Black History Month episode of Talking About Kids, I want to explore steps that we all can take to help protect Black students from the harm caused by gendered and racial stereotypes in the classroom. As you will hear from m...
Season 4
Episode 21

What you need to know about racial socialization competency with Riana Elyse Anderson
Racial socialization competency refers to a parent’s or caregiver’s ability to communicate with their kids about race and to impart strategies for coping with racial discrimination, and the research shows that higher levels of competency are as...
Season 4
Episode 20

Which resources promote the well-being of Black emerging adults with Mavis Sanders
As adolescents transition into adulthood and independence, their needs change. For Black History Month, Talking About Kids is looking at the specific needs of Black youth and young adults. My guest to help me do that is Mavis Sanders. Mavis is ...
Season 4
Episode 19

What you need to know to support the positive development of Black girls with Seanna Leath
Talking About Kids is designed to support the positive development of all kids with the recognition that the factors that influence that development will be unique for each child based on their individual characteristics as well as those of the...
Season 4
Episode 18

How to connect with young children through authentic stories with Sasha Saidman
My guest today is Sasha Saidman. Sasha is the author of multiple children’s books, including First Day, All Out of Ducks, and, my personal favorite, Melonade. As you will hear, one of the things that makes Sasha speci...
Season 4
Episode 17

What you need to know about the next generation of baby monitors with Ami Meoded
A lot has changed since the days when baby monitors were little more than pastel-colored intercoms. Today, baby monitors transmit video as well as sound, they play lullabies and have night vision, and some even proport to be able to alert paren...
Season 4
Episode 16

Episode 6: What birth statistics indicate about how the U.S. values families
It has been just over two weeks since Baby New Year 2025 arrived, so for this sixth and final mini holiday break episode of the 2024-2025 season of Talking About Kids, I am going to discuss births, deaths, and the fetal mortality rates and mate...

Episode 5: How preparticipation physical examinations differ from annual well child examinations
In this fifth mini holiday break episode of the 2024-2025 season of Talking About Kids, I am going to explain the differences between a preparticipation physical examination and an annual well child examination. Links to more information are at...

Holiday Break Episode 4: How to measure a second chance for adolescents and the rest of us
2025 is just a few days old and the United States has already seen old adults, young adults, and adolescents injured or killed in a mass shooting in New York City, a bombing in Las Vegas, and, what is being described as, an act of domestic terr...

Holiday Break Episode 3: Why humor is important to children and families
In this third mini holiday break episode of 2024-2025 season of Talking About Kids and the final episode of 2024, I want to talk about kids and humor. In particular, I will present a little bit about what we know about humor’s importance to dev...

Holiday Break Episode 2: What the good news is about youth substance use
In this second mini holiday break episode of the 2024-2025 season of Talking About Kids, I share some seasonal joy in the form of brand-new statics from the Monitoring the Future study, which is conducted by researchers at the University of Mic...

Holiday Break Episode 1: How to avoid "jargon-oblivion"
In this first mini holiday break episode, I share a brand-new article from Pediatrics. It is entitled “Children’s Understanding of Commonly Used Medical Terminology,” and it examines “jargon-oblivion” or the problem that some professio...

What state and federal resources are available to help address eating disorders with Noelle Veilleux Markham
This is the final episode in Talking About Kids’ four-part series on eating disorders. In the first episode, Bryn Austin described the prevalence and stigmas of eating disorders. In the second episode, Jean Doak explained the harm caused by the...
Season 4
Episode 15

How to prevent and respond to eating disorders with Anna Lutz
This is the third of four episodes in Talking About Kids’ series on eating disorders. In the first episode, Bryn Austin described the prevalence and stigmas of eating disorders. In the second episode, Jean Doak explained the harm caused by them...
Season 4
Episode 14

How eating disorders harm kids with Jean Doak
This is the second of four episodes in Talking About Kids’ series on eating disorders. In the first installment, the preeminent Bryn Austin addressed the prevalence and stigmas of eating disorders. The core of this episode is on why we care. My...
Season 4
Episode 13

Who is impacted by eating disorders with Bryn Austin
This episode is the first in Talking About Kids’ series on eating disorders. Over four episodes, leading experts and I will discuss prevalence, consequences, prevention, and the resources available to help you help the kids in your classroom, p...
Season 4
Episode 12

What you need to know about sibling aggression and abuse during adolescence with Corinna Jenkins Tucker
Sibling aggression and abuse are often described as “invisible” by experts because of society’s tendency to confuse them with sibling rivalry or dismiss them as a natural part of growing up. However, the consequences of sibling aggression and a...
Season 4
Episode 11

How rational emotive behavior therapy benefits kids and the adults around them with Debbie Joffe Ellis
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is an evidence-based therapy that can help kids overcome anxiety, depression, guilt, and a variety self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. My guest today to explain REBT is the legendary therapist Debbie ...
Season 4
Episode 10

What you need to know about kids' dreams with Stanley Krippner
Stanley Krippner has received multiple lifetime achievement awards from the American Psychological Association, including the Award for Distinguished Contributions to the International Advancement of Psychology and the Award for Distinguished L...
Season 4
Episode 9

Why all young readers need to see themselves represented in books with Zetta Elliott
Zetta Elliott writes the kinds of books that she wanted to read when she was younger. They are sweeping, fantastic, and crackling with energy. Zetta and I discuss the latest addition to her Dragons in a Bag series, entitled The Oracle’s Door, a...
Season 4
Episode 8

How engaging fathers can improve outcomes for kids with Sundjata Aya
There is a simple equation when it comes to raising a healthy and happy kid: the more competent and caring adults there are in the life of a kid, the better off that kid will be. Unfortunately, policies and prejudices often prevent fathers from...
Season 4
Episode 7

What we are getting dangerously wrong about school shootings with David Riedman
By several measures, 2024 is on course to be one of the worst ever in terms of gun violence on school campuses. My guest this episode to discuss these tragic incidents is David Riedman. David is the founder of the
Season 4
Episode 6

What we know about school-based mental health services with Ezra Golberstein
The U.S. is in the middle of what many experts are a calling a “mental health crisis.” As a result, there is increased interest in initiatives that place mental health clinicians on campuses. Despite research suggesting that this model should h...
Season 4
Episode 5

How to help a child cope with the loss of a pet with Anne Marie Farage-Smith
I doubt that anyone listening to the Talking About Kids podcast needs science to tell them that kids form deep attachments to their pets. However, it is worth noting the research on kids’ emotional reactions to a pet’s death. Studies show that ...
Season 4
Episode 4