Talking About Kids
Talking About Kids is a weekly podcast for parents, educators, and direct service providers that explores the latest information on issues impacting children and adolescents, from preventing bullying to unlocking creativity. Hosted by R. Bradley Snyder, author of The 5 Simple Truths of Raising Kids, each episode presents a new topic and introduces listeners to authors, academics, and visionaries from around the globe.
Talking About Kids
Which resources promote the well-being of Black emerging adults with Mavis Sanders
As adolescents transition into adulthood and independence, their needs change. For Black History Month, Talking About Kids is looking at the specific needs of Black youth and young adults. My guest to help me do that is Mavis Sanders. Mavis is a senior research scholar at Child Trends who recently released a wonderfully insightful brief entitled, “Black Emerging Adults Identify Protective Community Resources That Promote Their Well-Being.” More information about Mavis and her research brief and a link to sign up for Child Trends’ quarterly newsletter on Black children and families are at talkingaboutkids.com.