Talking About Kids
Talking About Kids is a weekly podcast for parents, educators, and direct service providers that explores the latest information on issues impacting children and adolescents, from preventing bullying to unlocking creativity. Hosted by R. Bradley Snyder, author of The 5 Simple Truths of Raising Kids, each episode presents a new topic and introduces listeners to authors, academics, and visionaries from around the globe.
Talking About Kids
What you need to know about racial socialization competency with Riana Elyse Anderson
Racial socialization competency refers to a parent’s or caregiver’s ability to communicate with their kids about race and to impart strategies for coping with racial discrimination, and the research shows that higher levels of competency are associated with better outcomes for Black children and youth. For this third Black History Month episode of Talking About Kids, I asked Dr. Riana Elyse Anderson to explain racial socialization competency, its components, and how it can be developed. Riana is an Associate Professor at Columbia University’s School of Social Work and the developer of the EMBRace (Engaging, Managing, and Bonding through Race) program, racial socialization skills training for parent and caregivers. More information about Riana and the EMBRace program is at talkingaboutkids.com.